
Privacy Policy

Pro-Metal Engineering Supplies is committed to protecting your privacy and personal information. We collect, hold, use and disclose personal information to assist us in carrying on our business, including to provide products and services to you. 
This policy is available on our website at

Collection of information

Personal information is information that identifies you or from which you may reasonably be identified. The types of personal information that Pro-Metal Engineering Supplies may collect about you includes: 
a. Name, gender, date of birth and age. 
b. Identification information, including signature. 
c. Contact details, business addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers. 
d. Details about your purchases and orders from us and your product and services preferences. 
E. Financial information, including bank and cheque account details and credit card details, and information. 
f. Images from video surveillance and other cameras in our stores.

We may also collect personal information about you from:

a. Publicly available sources, including from Egyptian Government agencies, internet search platforms and social media platforms. 
b. Any person authorized to act on your behalf or authorized to provide your personal information to Pro-Metal Engineering suppliers. 
e. Or our related companies.

Security and storage

Pro-Metal Engineering Suppliers will take reasonable steps to protect the security of your personal information that we hold, including both paper and electronic records. We have security measures in place to attempt to reasonably protect personal information under our control from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. 
No data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be secure. As a result, Pro-Metal Engineering Suppliers cannot ensure or warrant the security of any personal information transmitted by you to Pro-Metal Engineering suppliers over the internet.